Graph Detect Cycle

Given an undirected, unweighted graph with at least one edge, write a function that returns true if the graph contains a cycle, and false otherwise.

Implement the function graphDetectCycle in graph_detect_cycle.c. This function will then be called by the main function in test_graph_detect_cycle.c.

To run your solution:

$ dcc test_graph_detect_cycle.c graph_detect_cycle.c Graph.c -o test_graph_detect_cycle
$ ./test_graph_detect_cycle

Input format

The program will read from stdin.

The first line should be n the number of vertices in your graph.

The following lines (until EOF) contains the two vertices connected by an edge. Vertices are numbered 0 to n-1 inclusive.

E.g 0 <-> 1 for an edge between vertices 0 and 1.

Output format

The program will write to stdout.

It will print Has cycle if your graphDetectCycle function returns true, and Does not have cycle if it returns false.

Sample 1


0 <-> 1
1 <-> 2


Does not have cycle

Explanation: The graph 0 <-> 1 <-> 2 does not contain any cycles.

Sample 2


0 <-> 1
1 <-> 2
0 <-> 2


Has cycle

Explanation: The graph contains a cycle for vertices 0, 1, 2.

Sample 3


0 <-> 1
1 <-> 2
2 <-> 3
2 <-> 4
2 <-> 5


Does not have cycle

Explanation: The graph does not contain any cycles.


  • Graphs are undirected.
  • Graphs are unweighted.
  • Graphs are connected.
  • Graphs are not empty.
  • Graphs have no self-loops.
  • Graphs have no multiple edges.

CSE Autotest

When you think your program is working, you can use CSE autotest to test your solution.

$ 2521 autotest graph_detect_cycle


You can view the solution code to this problem here.